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It is the strict policy of the ANMP that the personal contact information needed to register you for any ANMP event or membership will NOT be sold or otherwise made available to any other person, organization, or entity. </td> </tr> <tr> <td > <div style="width:680px;margin:0 auto;padding:20px;border:4px double #ffffff;line-height:1.3em;"> <strong> Q.&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>I have seen what looks like a Membership Card for the ANMP. What is this all about, who is is for, what does it cost...and how do I get one? </em> <br><br> A.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;The cool new <strong>"I am a Network Marketing Professional" ANMP Membership Card</strong> will be available soon! They are not available yet, but will become available and complimentary to all ANMP members as soon as possible. </td> </tr> <tr> <td > <div style="width:680px;margin:0 auto;padding:20px;border:4px double #ffffff;line-height:1.3em;"> <strong> Q.&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>I heard wonderful things about your ANMP Convention this year! But how on earth was the whole weekend only $99 - including all meals and all sessions for 3 days? What's the "catch"? I've never heard of such a thing...!</em> <br><br> A.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;Because it was the Annual Convention of the ANMP, it was sponsored by the ANMP, which is a <strong>501(c)(6) <u>non-profit</u> organization</strong>, so the purpose of this event is not commercial or designed to make a profit - but is purely educational in its aim and mission. Additionally this annual event receives sponsorship from numerous companies who support our great profession. Many, many thanks and our appreciation to all the companies and organizations who were official Sponsors of the ANMP Convention this year, helping to bring the 2013 ANMP Convention to you and to everyone in the Network Marketing community! </td> </tr> <tr> <td > <div style="width:680px;margin:0 auto;padding:20px;border:4px double #ffffff;line-height:1.3em;"> <strong> Q.&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>I understand this event was sponsored by various companies within the Network Marketing community in order to offer the amazing $99 registration to all attendees, which includes all meals.... and as a Leader in Network Marketing, I really REALLY wanted to go...BUT, I was worried about, should bring my team... How would I know my team would be 'safe' at future ANMP events? What is the ANMP Convention be like, in terms of endorsing or promoting specific companies?</em> <br><br> A.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;Great question! Your team is safe here - we have employed a strict, zero-tolerance <strong>NO-RECRUITING POLICY</strong> from both the stage and for attendees. Everyone at these events already "gets it," they love Network Marketing, and they have already chosen their company! We took great care this year to ensure that the event content was totally generic in topics, in scope and in what is recognized from the stage. We celebrated our entire profession and brought to you the education, training and mentorship that helps leaders in ANY company in building their organizations. The ANMP Convention faculty and speakers only taught what you and your people need to know to succeed better with YOUR company. So feel free to bring along your leaders and team members, including the people you want to inspire to develop into even better leaders, to ANMP conventions and events! </td> </tr> <tr> <td > <div style="width:680px;margin:0 auto;padding:20px;border:4px double #ffffff;line-height:1.3em;"> <strong> Q.&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>What is different or unique about what I would get from the ANMP Convention, compared to my own Company's Convention and/or other generic Network Marketing training events? Should I bring my team, or attend on my own?</em> <br><br> A.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;It is unlike anything else! Never before together on one stage, for one powerful weekend, the best of the best in Network Marketing gathered to give back and share their knowledge and expertise with YOU as a member of the Network Marketing community. Our esteemed panel of speakers has <strong>PERSONALLY earned in excess of $150+ million dollars and counting.</strong> NOTE: That's not their companies' sales or their personal sales volumes - that's their <u>very own personal take-home earnings.</u> (If we were to look at these individuals' companies' sales generated and/or distributors' organizational sales volumes, this number would be billions upon billions!) You want to learn from this amazing group of Servant Leaders and brilliant, experienced Mentors. Our speaker line-up for this year s Convention reads like a <em>Who's Who</em> of Network Marketing. <br><br> These people have built companies from the ground up, some in the field, some in corporate, some in both. They have survived and thrived through economic up-turns and down-turns; they have encountered and found a way through every challenge you can imagine and then some. You can learn a lot from these people! Be assured, someone on the faculty has the answer to any and every one of the challenges you are currently going through. Attending the next Convention could help you solve and give you the answers to the biggest challenge you are currently facing in your business (or life) right now! <br><br> The information and help you receive is priceless - and the Convention is BETTER than free! Where else can you, for just $99, receive not only the entire weekend's training sessions from the best in the world - <u>PLUS all meals and entertainment?!?!</u> You couldn't even EAT for the weekend for that price - let alone the priceless knowledge, tools and experiences you gain! You can't afford NOT to go!!! <br><br> Plus think about all the people you will meet and the new friends you will make  likeminded people who support and love our great profession! And our exciting elegant Saturday Night Awards Ceremony, Banquet &amp; Gala  our professional photographers and videographers will make you and your team look and feel like superstars on the red carpet! <br><br> Finally, we continue to do everything we can think of to make events as affordable and accessible as humanly possible, to you and every member of the global Network Marketing community who wants to attend. We negotiate with hotels to offer to attendees <a href="hotelinfo.html">incredibly reasonable rates - up to $40 to $100 LESS per night</a> than their regular rates! We work with local shuttle services to offer a <a href="taxi_coupon.pdf" target="_blank">discounted rates</a> for all ANMP Attendees. And like our recent convention in March, for 2014 we will be holding the Convention in centrally-located Dallas, Texas again, which is a major airline hub city, to make it easier and most cost-effective for you and your team to fly in and be here. <br><br> Yes, Yes, YES - of course, bring your team! </td> </tr> <tr> <td > <div style="width:680px;margin:0 auto;padding:20px;border:4px double #ffffff;line-height:1.3em;"> <strong> Q.&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>How can my company become one of the sponsors of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals Convention (or donate in-kind services)?</em> <br><br> A.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;You and your company have an opportunity to become an Official Sponsor of next year's Convention. To become a sponsor or to find out more, please contact the ANMP President or a Member of the Board of Directors - or simply email <a href="mailto:sponsorship@anmp.com">sponsorship@anmp.com</a> to request more information and you will be sent a Sponsorship Opportunities packet as soon as this information is available. </td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <a href="/anmp-2013-convention.html"><img src="/images/anmp-2013-convention.png" alt="ANMP 2013 Convention site" align="left"></a><FONT SIZE="5" FACE="arial, helvetica" COLOR="#999999"><strong>PHOTOS FROM OUR RECENT ANNUAL CONVENTION</strong></FONT> <br><br> Please visit our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.503870419650355.1073741825.111331862237548&type=3">Facebook</a> page for more photos from our most recent ANMP Convention. <BR /><BR /> At our most recent annual international convention, leaders from across North America and around the world gathered for three days (Friday, March 1st  Sunday, March 3rd, 2013) in Dallas, Texas for continuing education, leadership training, to learn from the best in the world, and to have fun and connect with like-minded professionals. Our Saturday Awards Ceremony, Banquet &amp; Gala were a new addition this year  see <a href="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.503903279647069.1073741828.111331862237548&type=3">photos from this exciting event!</a> And for the first time ever for a convention of this magnitude, registration was <strong>just $99</strong> for the entire weekend of events and trainings - plus convention attendees also received <strong>all sessions, all meals, all included!</strong> The scope and value of this weekend was unprecedented in the history of Network Marketing. In fact, there has been no other event in the history of the Network Marketing Profession that has packed more value and historic "firsts" into one weekend! </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </section> <!-- footer --> <footer> <div class="inside"> <ul class="list7"> <li><a href="index.html">HOME</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|</li> <li><a href="https://anmp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new" target="_blank">CONTACT US</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;| </ul> <p>ANMP.com © 2013 <a href="#">ALL RIGHTS RESERVED</a><br> </p><br> <!--{%FOOTER_LINK}--> </p> </div> </footer> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> Cufon.now(); </script> </div> </div> </body> </html> <!--coded by meddif-->